*Everyday Chatter

Artist Jeanne-Claude, of Jeanne-Claude and Christo, has died. [NYT]

Colum McCann's novel of '70s NYC wins National Book Award. [NYT]

Alex's "Then & Now" revisits Soho. [FP]

On the Bowery with Metropolis, the Cooper Square Hotel "appears to be a cartoon illustrating the evils of overdevelopment." [EVG]

Drinking at the Nancy Whiskey bar. [COS]

Someone doesn't like the proliferation of Mr. Brainwash wheatpastes in Meatpacking:

HuffPo catches up on the McDonald's mod redesign in Chelsea. Says a Mickey D's spokeswoman, "People are using our restaurants differently today than they did five, 10, 20 years ago. People are multitasking, doing more on a given day... You want to be able to open your laptop, log on and get some work done while you're eating." [HP]

A quick look at the city's vanishing Hallmark stores. [ENY]

A virtual tugboat appears with a ghost sign on Berry St. [NYS]


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