*Everyday Chatter

The Papaya King on 14th and 7th is shuttered. The neon lights are off, the shades are down, and the interior is a wreck of packing boxes. It went on the market last January.:

Walker in the City visits Bleecker Street and the author responds to all those many Marc Jacobs stores: "I imagined myself, if I had a business, having three or four shops on one street with my name on them all and the thought embarrassed me." [WIC]

Avalon Bowery appears to emit "poison molecule," sends blogger into paroxysms of paranoid delusion. [Restless]

Brian Berger interviews Luc Sante about his new book. [WWIB]

Umm...what? "During his campaign for a third term, Mayor Bloomberg stifled a Freedom of Information Law request by withholding the release of photographs of himself with Sarah Palin until two weeks after the election, the Daily News reports." [Gothamist]

PJ Hanley's pub to move in next to the International Bar? [EVG]


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