*Everyday Chatter

More "Then & Now," the EV edition, from Alex. [FP]

The Bowery gets a flea market with "t-shirt stalls, vintage clothing stands, and soapmongers." [Racked]

New outpost for indie Book Culture on the UWS. [Racked]

Totonno's prepares to re-open. “This is New York,” said the owner. “Some things shouldn’t change.” [NYM]

This block-by-block map of the mayoral election is a fun time. Good to see the East Village and Lower East Side voted against Bloomberg--a blue oasis in a red sea! [NYT]

Overzealous Yankee fan Wall Streeters tossed confidential documents out their windows during the parade, including pay stubs, personal financial information, and "a balance sheet of someone's trust fund showing $300,000 in stock." [ESPN]

More reason to worry about the wonderful Nom Wah Tea Parlor of Doyers St. [BB]

Go mad for 14th St. [FNY]

A trip to the top of Colonnade Row. [NYT]

Mugging renews fears that Central Park is unsafe after dark. [Gothamist]

Even smokestacks have to be pretty. [EVG]


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