"More Jane" Ts

We asked and we have received. Mike Joyce, creator of the "More Jane, Less Marc" guerrilla postcard campaign, has put his catchy slogan on a t-shirt.

I interviewed Mike last month after spotting his postcard in the Village and (offline) begged him to print up some t-shirts. I wasn't the only one--he received dozens of requests. Now you can own your very own "More Jane, Less Marc" shirt for just 20 bucks.

I suggest you wear it on Bleecker Street.

To order, e-mail Mike at his business, Stereotype Design, and specify your size: XS, S, M, L, or XL. (In a weird ironic twist, they're printed on American Apparel shirts--click here for size chart). Plus! If you order now, Mike will throw in a handful of "More Jane" postcards, so you can spread the love all over.


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