Review: Spring 2009

Looking back on the past year at this blog, one season at a time, one day at a time, for one (4-day) week:

After a rough winter, in the spring we felt refreshed with a thrilling walk out onto the Panorama of the City of New York and a tour of Hasidic Crown Heights. Also in April, we were happy to see Nusraty Afghan Imports reopen in the Village after being pushed out by a desire for Brooks Brothers, and we enjoyed exploring the Mystery Window of 11th Street.

But April can be a cruel month--the Chelsea Court Meat Market closed after 49 years and the old P&G was gutted. In May, we saw Howdy Do shutter after 15 years in the East Village.

And then the Noise Wars began. We received a collection of Notes from the Backside as battles raged between the long-term tenants of 5th Street and the guests of the Cooper Square Hotel. By June, the hotel was throwing luxury car-launch parties while neighbors complained, culminating in a dirty-underpants and douchebag extravanganza that got play in the mainstream press.

the Rubin brothers in 2007

In that same month, we grieved for Arnold Hatters, gone from the city after 50 years, after refusing to die when the city stole their property via eminent domain and handed it over to the New York Times building.


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