Skyline Books


I've been dreading this one for some time.

In response to a recent post here about Skyline Bookstore's 50% off holiday sale, a reader commented: "Bad news, Jeremiah. Talked to a clerk at Skyline last night and he confirmed my worst fears. Closing up shop in Feb."

Another reader confirms that a "Retail Space Available" sign has gone in the window, and SavageNYC provides further information and insightful commentary.

On 18th Street since 1990, and recently Twittering, Skyline Books has been under threat of closure for years. It's just too good a bookshop to stay alive in the new New York.

Years ago, when I worked around the corner in a job environment more corporate than I could stand, this bookshop was my salvation. I spent the lunch hours here. Just being among the books, just browsing through their pages, would renew me.

The fat, gray cat would renew me, nudging my pantlegs while I skimmed the poetry and fiction sections. Her name is Linda, which is an amusingly serious name for a cat, and you can see pictures of her here.

As fewer people are buying and reading books, as bookstores across the city are shuttering or being shuttled off to other parts of town, this news comes as a terrible blow to book lovers in New York. Maybe, like Left Bank Books and Biography, they'll get a second chance in a new spot.

Let's keep our fingers crossed. In the meantime, Skyline, you will be missed.


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