*Everyday Chatter

Chris Flash interviews Ray: "We urge everyone who cares about Ray and keeping Ray's Candy Store alive in our neighborhood to come to Ray's to buy something, make a donation and network with their neighbors who are banding together to help Ray stay in business." [Shadow] via EVG

Counting the empty storefronts on Avenue A. [EVG]

Demolition on Essex, former typhus quarantine. [BB]

Penny Arcade from New York Values: "The ten most popular kids from every high school in the world are now living in New York City. Those are the people who most of us who came to New York came here to get away from."

Americans less likely to move away from their hometowns in this economy. Does that mean fewer most popular kids seeking out Applebee's in NYC? [NYT]

"In the many years that George has worked at Kramer’s, Brooklyn has transformed around it: high-rises have shot up, new immigrant populations have swept in, and most of the people who grew up with him have died or moved to the suburbs. Old businesses are forever 'going out,' in George’s phrase, and he announces the passing of each with a staccato shout: 'Brandz for Less 1351 Coney Island Avenue is going out December 31st!' 'Bargain Hunters 1605 Avenue M closed up for good!'" [NYT]

An Englishman in New York--was this ever released into theaters? Anyway, here's John Hurt playing Quentin Crisp in...guess what now-vanished Manhattan diner:


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