Bleecker Corner
From my meager collection of scanned old photographs, I found this shot of the corner at Bleecker and Christopher. I liked the little grocery store for its vintage signage and the words "FANCY FRUITS." It is possible that DAIRY means not that the store sold milk, but that it once served kosher, maybe the remnant of an old dairy lunch counter.

circa 1995
This building, Forgotten New York tells us, is one of the oldest in the Village, "constructed during the Jefferson administration" and photographed in 1935 by Berenice Abbott.

1935, Berenice Abbott
Today, like a lot of things on Bleecker, the storefront houses a boutique. LTJ Arthur is a French luxury brand. Says Racked, the shop carries something called "charentaise lounge slippers." A different sort of fancy fruit.

See Also:
Times Square 90s

circa 1995
This building, Forgotten New York tells us, is one of the oldest in the Village, "constructed during the Jefferson administration" and photographed in 1935 by Berenice Abbott.

1935, Berenice Abbott
Today, like a lot of things on Bleecker, the storefront houses a boutique. LTJ Arthur is a French luxury brand. Says Racked, the shop carries something called "charentaise lounge slippers." A different sort of fancy fruit.
See Also:
Times Square 90s
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