Ansonia Windows


The Ansonia Pharmacy has recently moved from its long-time spot on the corner of 6th Avenue and 10th Street, where it has been since 1933.

Luckily, they only moved two doors up, in a space formerly occupied by The Bean coffee shop, which shuttered after a two-year stay in October. But not every part of the Ansonia moved with them.

One thing that made the Ansonia special, other than its venerable age, was its window gallery, a revolving display of mostly local art known as the Ansonia Pharmacy Windows.

I often enjoyed the art that appeared here--which included, among many others, the work of JVNY reader Sharon Florin.

Sadly, the Windows gallery won't be following the Ansonia. A note from the curator says goodbye to a 14-year-long tradition.

Why the Ansonia moved after so many years I don't know, but the "see you later" signage from the front window included a cryptic clue from Aristotle: "Everything that moves is moved by another."


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