Mast Bookshop

As Grieve and Alex reported this weekend, the Mast used bookshop has opened on Avenue A near 5th Street.

It's a courageous move, especially when the future of books is so precarious, thanks to E-Readers and the like. You know, all those glowing rectangles we spend 90% of our waking hours staring at.

The bookshop already has a steady crowd, and the selection is good. Alphabetically, in the Fiction section, you'll find bunches of Auster, Bellow, Bukowski, Carver, DeLillo, Hemingway, Murakami, Pynchon, Roth, Woolf, Yates. (Some of my favorites there.)

Prices are decent--comparable to, if not slightly less than, the prices at old standby East Village Books, the last (until now) used bookshop in the neighborhood.

There are no business cards yet, no bookmarks, and no sign out front. But the owner says they're coming, along with a curated selection of new books. In a city and a neighborhood that has been running its indie bookstores out of business, let's help keep this newcomer going.

More Bookstores:
Left Bank
Mercer Street
Spoonbill & Sugartown

Vanished Bookstores:
12th Street Books
7th Avenue Books


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