10th St. Graffiti

The plywooded corner of 10th St. and 4th Ave. continues to become more interesting since the plans to build a boutique hotel here evaporated.

Some time ago, someone wrote a series of messages that are anti-Bloomberg...

...anti-Marxist (and not anti-Muslim)...

...and anti-psychiatry. The messages seem to be spreading.

Other people have responded in their own notes. Some simply call the writer an "Asshole," others offer their own opinions. It's the old-school analog form of the blog-style comment thread.

There are even grammar and spelling police--my favorite kind. One corrects the spelling of Frances Farmer's name and the myth that she was lobotomized, a fantasy perpetuated by the 1982 movie Frances, starring Jessica Lange.

Most recently, into the monochromatic montage walked this interloper, a wheat-pasted nude with black ski mask and erection spouting floral ejaculate.


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