*Everyday Chatter

Italians in Williamsburg maintain their traditions while coping with hipsters and yuppies who drop their pants during church processionals. "They don’t respect us, all these young kids--artistes, whatever you call them." Warning: This article will make you angry. [NYT]

Take a look inside an old theater on Ave B. [EVG]

Dispatch from the Noise Wars of the 1980s: "Hey, look man, New York is party city, that's why we moved here...if you don't like it, you can move to the country, old man." Sound familiar? [FP]

In the Village, an urban etiquette sign shows the new nervousness of bar and restaurant owners--please be quiet so the neighbors don't stop us from having our liquor license renewed:

TGI Friday's really is coming to further humiliate Union Square. [Eater]

Bloomberg backs down "somewhat" from banishing art vendors in the parks. [NYT]

Taxi Driver is playing at the Sunshine. [BB]

Looking back and forward at Lafayette Street. [NYT]

In Chelsea, lovely house numbers. [ENY]


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