*Everyday Chatter

One Jackson Square, that marvel of luxury undulation and keeper of the Greenwich Village spirit, has a first floor tenant--across what looks like the entire first floor. And it's--wait for it, wait for it--a BANK!

Two trendster restaurant/bars on the Bowery are now squabbling over who gets to call their joint "SRO"--another unfortunate appropriation of poverty-related language by caterers to the affluent. Hey, why not call it Flophouse? Or Soup Kitchen? Or Skid Row? Wouldn't that be hip? How about Scabies? Anyway, here's the scoop on the swank place coming to the former Sunshine flop annex. [BB]

Enjoying the alleys of Downtown Brooklyn. [FNY]

The New Yorker's softball team gets trounced by The Nation. [NYer]

Touring with David Freeland of Gotham Lost & Found. [P&W]

A fire on Second Avenue. [EVG]

St. Marks Bookshop points us to this essay by Sven Birkerts on reading in the digital age. [SMB]


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