Gino's Zebras

When Gino closed, many of us wondered what would become of their signature zebra wallpaper. Sprinkles, the Beverly Hills cupcake chain that is moving in to the location, wanted to keep it on the walls, but as Obit reported, Gino co-owner Michael Miele said, "We take our zebra with us."

And they have.

JVNY reader Karen McBurnie sends in a gut-wrenching photo of a gutted, de-zebra'd Gino:

Karen & Jon's flickr

Without the old wooden bar, without the tables filled with patrons, without the zebras leaping across their tomato-red walls, the place has no character.

It amazes me how all that feeling can simply vanish, leaving a shell that looks just like any other vacant storefront, a dull rectangular box, soon to be churning out cupcakes.


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