10th St. Scribbler
Following up on the evolving graffiti wall of 10th Street, which is allowed to unfold more organically than another "graffiti" wall I can think of, the Paranoid Scribbler, as I have come to fondly think of him (or her, though I rather doubt it), has responded to Bloomberg's war on cigarette smoking.

The Scribbler tells us to boycott every place you cannot smoke, including movie theaters, where smoking has been illegal since the 1960s.
A small question mark after "politbureu" indicates some concern about his spelling, especially after other graffitists have corrected him. Spelling is not the Scribbler's strong suit. He tells us we should also boycott Medea, that vengeful Greek who killed her own children.

And now the Scribbler has competition. A conspiracy theorist with access to a computer and printer has one-upped the magic-marker makings of the Scribbler with illustrated flyers about the BP oil spill and the war on drugs--both of which, the flyer-maker claims, are canards.
The Scribbler agrees on the oil spill point, but has yet to weigh in about the war on drugs.

The Scribbler tells us to boycott every place you cannot smoke, including movie theaters, where smoking has been illegal since the 1960s.
A small question mark after "politbureu" indicates some concern about his spelling, especially after other graffitists have corrected him. Spelling is not the Scribbler's strong suit. He tells us we should also boycott Medea, that vengeful Greek who killed her own children.
And now the Scribbler has competition. A conspiracy theorist with access to a computer and printer has one-upped the magic-marker makings of the Scribbler with illustrated flyers about the BP oil spill and the war on drugs--both of which, the flyer-maker claims, are canards.
The Scribbler agrees on the oil spill point, but has yet to weigh in about the war on drugs.
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