*Everyday Chatter

Finding "Walk Away Renee" in Sheepshead Bay. [IL]

The owner of the Houston Wall doesn't want you trespassing on private property. [EVG]

The truth about the Skystreak elevators. [QC]

Check out the Poets House showcase. [NYT]

On the LES, Lush Life comes alive. [NYT]

Vanishing domino players of Bushwick. [TDG]

Celebrate the 80th anniversary of the first Negro League game at Yankee Stadium. [MCNY]

What should the Whitney do with the Whitney? [NYO]

"my 4-year-old daughter a few weeks ago stomped her feet, turned red and demanded to know why we did not own a summer house." [NYT]

Video of the Meatpacking stabber. [Gothamist]


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