*Everyday Chatter

Fedora asks for your memories. This sign is up in the old menu box on the building. The family "would like to give customers the opportunity to comment, express their thoughts, and share their memories." You can send in email or leave notes at the bar:

Remembering the Washington Heights riots of July 1992--in two parts. [UC] & [UC]

Rescuing an old, overgrown Jewish cemetery in Ozone Park. [IL]

The "pancake lemmings" of Clinton Street. [WL]

The battle for the Houston Wall goes on and on... [EVG]

"The East Village is arguably the neighborhood-blog capital of New York, and its bloggers are a reflection of the neighborhood: various, and a little cranky." And here comes NYU's LEV. [CapitalNY]

ShyMob shrines on Rivington address "our primal cravings and desires." [BB]

July 27: Professor Peter Kwong speaks about gentrification and Chinatown, launching the project "OPEN CITY: Blogging Urban Change, where fellows collect oral history from residents of Chinatown/LES, Sunset Park, and Flushing." [AAWW]

July 26: Check out Criptease "a radical, joyful and uproarious night of sexy fun, striptease, and comedy, from performers with and without disabilities that like to push the boundaries of what crips are and aren’t meant to do." [LPR]

The bed bug plague is spreading. [Gothamist]


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