*Everyday Chatter
Brooks weighs in on the new Fedora--with mixed feelings. [LC]
The Stage follows in the footsteps of its across-the-avenue neighbor, B&H, and installs a new sign that looks a lot like the old sign. It loses something, but remains true to the original:

Before (from Kitty Kowalski's flickr)

Ludlow at night: "Groups of teetering girls in cocktail dresses, who may have gotten lost on their way to the meatpacking district, are also swarming... a playground for 22-year-olds." [NYT]
Remembering when the music on Saturday Night Live was dangerous. [SYFFL]
St. Mark's has a moment of wonder: "some strange guy putting some kind of geisha makeup on." [SG]
The Kupferberg memorial: "the kind of event that could make an upper-middle-class twenty-something who lives in a market-rate apartment nearby—for example, me—feel that maybe, even now, there still is something to the idea of the East Village." [Tablet]
Penis wars on the Fairey mural and icy wars on Ave A. [EVG] & [EVG]
Tapestries from a bygone Village weaving studio. [BAT]
Get your anti-BP shirts on Orchard. [BB]
St. Vincent's wall of goodbye notes gets washed in green paint...

...but the fence out front gains a Ghost Bike with a very angry note, "If less [fewer] hospitals equal more dead Wall St. thieves, the correction is good--F--you NYC! 2010":
The Stage follows in the footsteps of its across-the-avenue neighbor, B&H, and installs a new sign that looks a lot like the old sign. It loses something, but remains true to the original:

Before (from Kitty Kowalski's flickr)
Ludlow at night: "Groups of teetering girls in cocktail dresses, who may have gotten lost on their way to the meatpacking district, are also swarming... a playground for 22-year-olds." [NYT]
Remembering when the music on Saturday Night Live was dangerous. [SYFFL]
St. Mark's has a moment of wonder: "some strange guy putting some kind of geisha makeup on." [SG]
The Kupferberg memorial: "the kind of event that could make an upper-middle-class twenty-something who lives in a market-rate apartment nearby—for example, me—feel that maybe, even now, there still is something to the idea of the East Village." [Tablet]
Penis wars on the Fairey mural and icy wars on Ave A. [EVG] & [EVG]
Tapestries from a bygone Village weaving studio. [BAT]
Get your anti-BP shirts on Orchard. [BB]
St. Vincent's wall of goodbye notes gets washed in green paint...
...but the fence out front gains a Ghost Bike with a very angry note, "If less [fewer] hospitals equal more dead Wall St. thieves, the correction is good--F--you NYC! 2010":
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