*Everyday Chatter

Thanks to the reader who sent in this photo--the new owner announces his win today on Joseph Leonard's chalkboard: "Every man ought to have one well-fitting Fedora." Hopefully, it will also still fit the people who kept it alive for over 60 years:

Romy walks into Fedora--"a little breath of honest-to-goodness old New York caught in amber"--and her piece will make you cry. [WIC]

$69 hot dogs for sell on the Upper East Side. [Eater]

"Suffer yourself" with Empire, the 8-hour film by Warhol and Mekas, at Anthology Film Archives this Saturday. And those who "heroically endure" the whole thing will win a prize! [WSJ]

Congratulate Rag & Bone for saving the bones of Cafe Colonial from becoming a bank. [EVG]


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