*Everyday Chatter

Yankees super fan Freddy Sez has passed away. [Gothamist]

Change in Brooklyn on Brian Lehrer. [BHS]

The amazing story of Fulton Fish Market Annie. [NYT]

A day of pickles on the LES. [BB]

Brooklynites are weather whiners, says Kansan. [PMFA]

On the LES, life imitates American Apparel:

my flickr

Walking Queens' Main Street. [FNY]

Is the Times' Book Review "contributing to the unfortunate tradition of sexualizing female writers or at least obscuring their work with image"? [RS]

More bicycle backlash. [NYO]

At this weekend's memorial for Michael Shenker. [EVG]

New Yorkers on the street say what they think about $500 socks full of holes. [Racked]


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