*Everyday Chatter

Patti Smith's Just Kids nominated for National Book Award. [NBA]

Is Queens the new Brooklyn? [AMNY]

Freddy's comes back from the dead. [HPS]

Go behind the counter with Di Fara's pizza man. [Grub]

A history of the hipster: "rather than an indie or bohemian subculture, it felt like an ethnicity—with its clannishness, its claiming of microneighborhoods from other, older migrants (Chinese, Puerto Ricans, Orthodox Jews), and its total uninterest in integrating into the local populations." [NYM]

"In the douchebag, the hipster had found its Other." [N+1]

An image of crumbling bungalow beauty from Staten Island:

H.L.I.T.'s flickr

When Ashley and friends tag walls. [EVG]

"Flamboyant spectacle" rolls down Broome St. [BB]

As the hyper-gentrification of Clinton spreads, Lucky closes. [TLD]

Of the mysterious woman behind "Dress Suits for Hire." [HNY]

"New York City, the international capital of bedbugs." [TIME] via [P&W]

"the New York bedbug menace has begun to affect the city's tourism industry, with fearful, parasite-phobic travelers canceling trips." [Gawker]

Ozersky visits Russ & Daughters. [OTV]


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