Hope for LSD

If you're shopping for last-minute Halloween stuff and missing Love Saves the Day since it departed the East Village back in January 2009, you have another chance to enjoy the ambiance of Pez dispensers, vintage collectibles, fright wigs, and rubber hands from the crypt. But you'll have to go out of town for it.

Love is still saving the day in New Hope, Pennsylvania--and they still don't like strollers, cell phones, cameras, or unattended children.

As far as I know, Madonna never shopped here, at least not on film as she did in New York, but the locals love it, especially at Halloween.

And it has its own building, so nobody's going to give it the boot or price it out of business. Original LSD owner Leslie Herson moved out to the country part time nearly 30 years ago. Said Leslie upon the near-closing of the New York store in 2005, "It’s a shame. New York is losing its individuality because little stores like mine can’t compete."

Now that individuality, lost to the city, is being scattered across the country. As New York City turns into Little Wisconsin, mini Nantucket, and the rest, small-town America is getting bits and pieces of the city. Fair exchange?


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