*Everyday Chatter
Rally today to save the Greek Revival houses of E. 4th St. [GVSHP]
Check out a Tenement Talk tonight on the Bowery's past, present, and future. [TLD]
A slice of the old city still found on West 30th. [FNY]
"American history vanishing before my eyes." The closing of Paul's Daughter at Coney:

photo by Single Linds Reflex
You could live above Trash & Vaudeville. [EVG]
Walking the New Yorker Art Walk. [Blah]
Looking up at some bridges between buildings. [Restless]
Tomorrow night: Shteyngart talks about LES Lit at the Educational Alliance. [TLD]
Check out a Tenement Talk tonight on the Bowery's past, present, and future. [TLD]
A slice of the old city still found on West 30th. [FNY]
"American history vanishing before my eyes." The closing of Paul's Daughter at Coney:

photo by Single Linds Reflex
You could live above Trash & Vaudeville. [EVG]
Walking the New Yorker Art Walk. [Blah]
Looking up at some bridges between buildings. [Restless]
Tomorrow night: Shteyngart talks about LES Lit at the Educational Alliance. [TLD]
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