*Everyday Chatter

Coffee porn fetish jumps the shark as Brooklyn shop calls beverage "coffee porn in a cup." [NYO]

Patti Smith scores a National Book Award for Just Kids. Recalling her days at Scribner's, she says, “Please, no matter how we advance technologically, please don’t abandon the book. There is nothing in our material world more beautiful than the book.” [NYT]

Here's a better prize giveaway than cupcakes--bedbug eradication services. Apply now! [RS]

Meanwhile, sour chocolate milk runs wild in the East Village. [EVG]

Looking back at Wanamaker's great fire. [EVT]

Cool blog for vintage Times Square cinephiles. [TOS]

Remembering the Palladium Ballroom. [92Y]

Shots from Sophie Crumb's gallery opening. [SG]

The gorgeous City Hall loop is now legal--don't get off that train. [NYO]

Looking back at the last days of Coney. [GAF]

Fran Lebowitz on keeping kids in strollers until they're past puberty:


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