2010 Review
It's the time of year for end-of-year lists and roundups. In 2010, the losses seemed fewer in number, but there were some big ones in there. We lost more of our old newsstands and watched too much of Coney Island collapse or get pushed out ( Ruby's and Paul's Daughter and the Shore Hotel ...). I'm still in denial about Coney. Otherwise, at the top of my list of grievances, there's Skyline Books , a great bookshop gone and still mourned. The closure of Gino remains a major heartbreak, as is the demolition and reappropriation of Fedora . I'm not getting over those two. Carmine's at the Seaport was a third Italian joint to go. While the little bakery Les Desirs was not a place close to my own heart, it was of major importance to many senior citizens in Chelsea. The closure of St. Vincent's Hospital , of course, was a tremendous blow for many Villagers. The shuttering of Atomic Passion marked another death to vintage and thrift in the East Village, w...