*Everyday Chatter

Looking back at The Year of Bedbugs. I bet 2011 will top that. [Racked]

From the bartender at Stoned Crow: "You know, I'm done with Manhattan. I'm convinced that in ten years, Manhattan will be a gated community. You'll have to show your ID or a card to get into places. Less than one month's notice! And no job! I moved to Astoria, to the last stop of the N line to get away from it. But it's happening there. It's starting to happen. They'll just keep pushing and pushing until we're all pushed out. I'm leaving after this. If the Mars Bar can close—and that's an institution! I'm done." [Eater]

Gentrific EV vegetarian joint Counter to close. [Gothamist]

What were the 10 Best NYC Events of the year? [VV]

Give the gift of Mars Bar--while they last. [EVG]

Two stories about the kooky things overburdened rich people do for Christmas. [NYT] and [NYT]


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