*Everyday Chatter

Hideous Jumbotron hotel promises to spawn more like itself on the Bowery, aka "epicenter of cool." [EVG]

See Schmatta, a history of the Garment District at IFC 1/25. [IFC]

Zenith, a Brooklyn "Blade Runner," plays at KGB. [LM]

New Coney investor to bring healthy Luna Park Café to boardwalk and pay "tribute to the long history of Coney Island with memorabilia and tributes from local residents and visitors from around the world." So...they tear down the real thing and put up a fake. [ATZ]

Billy Leroy can't sell real subway signs, but this guy can make and sell replicas. [NYT]

A glimpse back at Dave's Luncheonette on Canal. [D40]

On the Bowery: "Free Stuff, No Bedbugs!" [BR]

"Gene-morphing bedbugs now virtually indestructible." [RS]


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