Hardcore New York

Reader John Lee sent in a link to an evocative collection of photos from the days of New York's 1980s hardcore scene. Blogger Street Carnage got the shots from photographer Brooke Smith--as he says, the actress "best known for her role as the woman down in the well in Silence of the Lambs."

photo: Brooke Smith

Brooke Smith also has a place in my heart for playing my favorite character in the fantastic movie Series 7, a little-seen reality show spoof that's well worth checking out. She's a gun-toting pregnant lady who does a splendid performance to Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart." Need I say more?

photo: Brooke Smith

Anyway, here are a few of Brooke's shots to whet your appetite (click to see them all), including this one of the northwest corner of St. Mark's and Avenue A--a very different time in the East Village.

photo: Brooke Smith

...and the obligatory Google Streetview "today" shot, complete with a stroller. And lots of bucolic trees.



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