*Everyday Chatter

Where are the noisiest neighborhoods in New York City? You know it's the EV/LES. Also noisy: Greenwich Village and Inwood. Play with the city's 311 fun map to find out more--it's real-time--let's see what happens at 11:00 on Friday night:

Check out LES History Project founder Eric Ferrara's new book On The Bowery.

Jonathan Lethem responds to (still) heartbroken Brooklynites and scores one for ambivalence: "every time I write about [New York], I’m likely to end up with something as fiercely ambivalent as the earlier results--ambivalent, of course, in the sense not of muddled-in-the-middle, but of strong contradictory responses. Love-hate is rich as Brooklyn is itself vast and disjointed." [BP]

Celebrate McSorley's today at your own risk. [EVG]

40-year-old Donut Shoppe survives in Sheepshead Bay. [LC]

Greenwich Avenue businesses are in crisis. [FP]

Kramer was raving about gentrification back in 1994, against the day when all we'd have are “gourmet coffee or cookie stores.” Make that coffee and ice-cream and he hit the nail on the head. [BB]

When Mulberry had a Bandit's Roost. [P&W]

Some Mets fans have created a very special t-shirt for this upcoming season:


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