*Everyday Chatter

Fran Lebowitz in Public Speaking is playing at Film Forum--see it, it's fantastic.

And don't forget Cinekink NYC at Anthology.

Letter to Editor: SoHo "used to be a contemplative refuge for artists and intellectuals who live here...commandeered by rank profiteers and their shopping-bag-toting zombies, who eat and drink and cell-phone their way from one watering hole to the next." [Villager]

SoHo residents say: No more tourists. [Villager]

More worrying about Mars Bar and when the axe will fall. [EVG]

Can Jeffrey's Meat Market survive the rent and fee hikes of Essex Market? [BB]

Complaining about the invasion of film crews on your street. [CR]

Globe Slicers on the LES luxury mall of the Bowery. [Restless]

Looking back at Escape from New York. [COS]

Wish a Happy 3rd Anniversary to Cathryn at Washington Square Park Blog!


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