Schizo New York
There is a split in the city. A schism. It's often expressed architecturally--the war between old and new, the radical shift, the loss of bricks to glass and sheen.

They get rammed together, cheek by jowl.

A sleek high-rise hotel abuts a tenement.

One half of a synagogue is smashed and sheathed in glass for a new boutique that only sells things in white.

A condo's cock-eyed balconies cast their shadows on rusted fire escapes.

More are coming. Every day.

Lines are being drawn. Down the middle.

In the end, which side will survive?

They get rammed together, cheek by jowl.

A sleek high-rise hotel abuts a tenement.

One half of a synagogue is smashed and sheathed in glass for a new boutique that only sells things in white.
A condo's cock-eyed balconies cast their shadows on rusted fire escapes.

More are coming. Every day.

Lines are being drawn. Down the middle.

In the end, which side will survive?

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