*Everyday Chatter

A new sign outside McSorley's, on the Avenue of Puke:

Why save 35 Cooper Square? Because it's "all that stands between two angled, glass-and-steel buildings." [EVG]

The bike lane wars rage on. [NYM]

... and City Hall responds, saying Bike Lanes = good. [NYO]

The gentrification of Inwood, complete with noisy, boozy brunch. [CNY]

Inside the mysterious and very blue R&A Discount. [OMFS]

Phase 2 of the Washington Square Park redesign is ready for its unveiling. [WSP]

Beatniks in the Village of 1963. [FP]

Some residents fear that Chinatown "will soon be unrecognizable, transformed by the relentless forces of development." [REW]

Tomorrow: A talk at NYU on the Triangle Fire 100 years later. [P&W]


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