*Everyday Chatter

A Brooklyn politician wants to put through a bill to "punish real estate brokers who promoted property with an unofficial, made-up name." No more SoBro, SoHa, etc.! [CR]

April 25 at Film Forum: See the Vanishing City & Twilight Becomes Night--two for the price of one! [GVSHP]

Dirty Laundry Readings--hear stories read in a laundromat on Avenue B. [NYDN]

NYPD cracking down on nightlife on the LES--at last. [Eater]

The roof at 35 Cooper Square looks like shit. [EVG]

Coney Island murals try covering up devastation with whimsy. [ATZ]

Visiting the Village Papaya Dog. [MAD]

Carroll Gardens: "A Mafia foundation with a Yuppie overlay." [LC]


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