*Everyday Chatter

Amy Poehler will not take down those sexy red curtains on Ave. A--and promises "24/7 stripping." Woo! [Gothamist]

The Mars Bar-to-condo conversion is complete. Sort of. [EVG]

Insane, picky Midtowner posts a sign complaining about street cart bagels and iced coffee--looks like a good one for White Whine. [OMFS] ...and City Room follows up.

In Little Italy:

Check out Jerry Rio's "Celebrity Watch" of 1991--and dig the derelict Upper West Side. [COS]

102-year-old lady returns to Lower East Side faux speakeasy to revisit actual speakeasy where she celebrated in 1933. [NYP]

"International amusement giant Zamperla may be turning Coney Island into a generic shopping plaza you could find anywhere in Anytown, USA, but that's just fine by our old rich white male officials, who will no doubt feel more comfortable posing for photo ops at a shiny new sports bar..." [Gothamist]

But the city needs to fact-check their rollercoaster info. [ATZ]

A tour of Pete Hamill's Park Slope neighborhood. [HPS]


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