*Everyday Chatter

The Hilfigers have landed with a Hamptons pop-up house in the Meatpacking District to push their preppy line:

Comes complete with broad-shouldered bodyguard, pink pants, and silver tea set:

Anti-Walmarters on LES warn of chain-store virus! [DNA]

Save the Essex St. Market says the cheesemongers. [SA]

Handy starter kit for trendy Brooklyny restaurant. [Eater]

Mike Tyson and his Brooklyn pigeons. [CR]

Name the people and places in these old NYC photos. [FP]

More on the Starbuck thievery phenomenon. [Restless]

The East Village may have Lambos and Batmobiles, but Greenpoint has this automobilic monstrosity--complete with snake eye. [NYS]

Finally, the venerated egg cream endures yet another indignity--it's "a riff...made with malted milk syrup and vanilla beans, Battenkill Creamery milk and seltzer from one of the last suppliers in the city that refills old-school bottles. In a four-star flourish, a splash of olive oil is added with a silver oil can from Tiffany & Company." [Eater]


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