Zig Zag Redux

After 35 years in business, Zig Zag Records closed this past December. As Sheepshead Bites reported, "We believe it was the last vinyl merchant in all of Southern Brooklyn."

photo: Arthur Borko

Last week, Zig Zag came back to life--sort of. On his Facebook page, Howard Fein snapped some shots of the Men in Black 3 set in Downtown Brooklyn. Zig Zag was included--with a nearly identical replica of the original sign.

photo: Howard Fein

Like the Birdbath Vesuvio or the fake storefront signage at the Chelsea Hotel or the ironic mom-and-pop facade at Urban Outfitters, as so much of the city becomes a "theme park of the past," what we will have left to remind us of what New York once was will be movie sets and miniature models.

And all that is solid melts into air.


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