*Everyday Chatter

More unlocked: "at Equinox, a 42-year-old man put his belongings in a locker without a lock before hitting the showers...when the victim returned he noticed his pants were off the hook and his $600 Louis Vuitton wallet was gone, along with two $600 BlackBerrys." [BHB]

US Marshals seize H&H Bagels. [WSR]

Is tonight the last call for Mars Bar? [EVG]

On the Bowery: "who would have imagined a fashion boutique on this strip of derelict buildings and insistent windshield washers?" But another new boutique is here--and the owner thinks CBGB still exists. [WSJ]

Victoria's Secret invades a billiards hall in Yorkville. [LC]

Documentary about George Plimpton getting kickstarted. [LM]

Enjoy the trashy shores of Dead Horse Bay where a century of garbage "tinkles like ice cubes in a high ball glass." When will the hipsters artisanalize that? [FVP]

St. Mark's Bookstore owner is "hoping that landlord Cooper Union will meet with him to discuss a reduction in rent." [JKMP]

The way it all goes: "When P.S. 122 returns, it will be to an utterly transformed building, one that bears little physical resemblance to its scruffy, scrappy roots. There is much to be gained... But something will also be lost." [NYT]

Timeline of the latest Lower East Side crime wave. [BB]


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