*Everyday Chatter

Today is the last day of business for David's Laundry, shuttering after 41 years in Park Slope thanks to a landlord who is forcing them out. [HPS]

Contrary to previous reports, today is the last day of H&H bagels. The counter lady told me last night. You have all day today and this evening to get your last bagels from 80th and Broadway before it becomes a bank. And here is my last:

"What many natives of the West 70s and 80s have long prophesied has come to pass: The neighborhood is finished." [NYT]

Details on last night's rally to save H&H. [WSR]

I fucking love Fran Lebowitz: "What kind of moron would put their bag on the floor of a cab? Anyone who does that deserves to lose it. That’s what I mean — that’s a tourist. What New Yorker would let their bag out of their clutches? I have all the habits of someone who lived here in the ’70s, you know? Which is that, if I have a pencil, I have a death grip on it. I see the people on the subway, they take their Blackberry out, I think really? If that got stolen, I wouldn’t even feel sorry for you." [CR]

Free LGBT weddings on the LES all year long. [EVG]

What will become of the Essex Street Market? [BB]

Eleanor Henderson talks about her new novel Ten Thousand Saints: "These days, it’s hard to fear for your life when you walk down St. Mark’s Place, the East Village street that was the acid heart of the punk-rock scene in the eighties. Now it’s a caricature of its rowdy past self, a goth kid’s Disneyland." [NYer]

Saying goodbye to P.S. 122. [AF] & [MAC]

Bloomberg: "If New York City is a business, it isn’t Wal-Mart–it isn’t trying to be the lowest-priced product in the market. It’s a high-end product, maybe even a luxury product." Read an interview with Julian Brash on Bloomberg's Way. [OTC]

Bloomberg exploits the "pilot" program--undemocratically--to change the face of the city. [NYT]

Cro-Mag John Joseph offers a "three-hour walking tour of Alphabet City and takes you beyond the trendy upscale boutiques, coffee shops and condominiums that you see now, to the great music, drugs and violence that used to inhabit the surrounding area." [GG]

And here are H&H Bagel's light fixtures, lying on the floor:


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