*Everyday Chatter

How to spot a narcissist: "They're considered more stylishly clad, cheerful, and physically appealing at first sight than are those who score lower in narcissism..." [PT]

What's up with the chirpy, optimistic narration on this death of Coney Island video? [NYT]

Like the rest of the city, Grand Central Terminal upscales and boots out its long-time tenants. [NYT]

Get ready to be disgusted: Bowery flophouse becomes boutique hotel--with homeless people still living in it. [Curbed]

One blogger's guide to surviving in New York. [VL]

Karl Fischer comes to E. 12th. [EVG]

July 23: Celebrate the life of Nuyorican poet Cheryl B., and attend the fundraiser for her partner at Dixon Place.

Before I found Jesus...on the side of a shuttered Thai restaurant in the EV:


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