Antiques Garage


After a stay of execution, we now hear that the Antiques Garage in Chelsea will be closing at the end of August.

Tipster Mitch points us to the blog Stuff Nobody Cares About, who says, "The dealers who exhibit have been told that Extell will soon begin demolition and this month is to be their last."

In 2007, we visited the Antiques Garage and heard that 2008 would be its final year after the building was sold to developer Extell. The year 2008 came, the economy collapsed, the developer wasn't developing, and the Antiques Garage got a new lease. At the time, a vendor told me, "It's a month-to-month lease, but I expect we'll be here another year or two. The developer can't get a hotel license. There are too many hotels around here as it is."

There are still too many hotels around there, but no matter. Extell is coming. With something big.

As the Observer recently reported, Extell president "Gary Barnett continues to bulldoze his way across the city," unveiling plans for massive new towers and demolishing a chunk of 57th Street that preservationists failed to landmark. That site, "like so many others at the moment," writes the Observer, "had lain fallow through the downturn but has now reawakened."

And soon another glassy giant will arise on 25th Street where now there is something enchanting and rare.


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