*Everyday Chatter

Artisanalization, germophobia, and class shifts are killing the hot dog: "'a staple of New York...it’s the way New York is.' But the way New York is has been changing." [NYT]

Check out this film footage of the Lower East Side in 1967--before it contracted "corporate herpes." [DM]

How did I miss the transgender Jesus in Tompkins Square Park? [EVC]

East Village woman is swimming to Coney Island to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of a similar swim. [EVG]

Mary Cantwell at the Chelsea Hotel in 1978. [ENY]

What is a "real looking Brooklyn working class type"? Ask CBS. [LM]

Goggla posts her "Confronting Comfort" protest coverage. [TGL]

Celebrate Historic Coney Island Sunday 8/28 from 1pm-5pm at the First Annual HISTORY DAY at Deno’s Wonder Wheel Park & The Coney Island History Project.


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