*Everyday Chatter
There are still characters on the streets of New York --but they are octogenarians. [ TONY ] From our friend Romy , get your copy of the first issue of Housedeer , featuring Liza Condon, daughter of jazz great Eddie Condon. [ HD ] Support things printed on paper--get to the NY Art Book Fair this weekend. [ PS1 ] Plywood on the Waverly Diner --the future looks bad and "Yuppies Go Home." [ MAD ] So about that TV commercial where Commerce One Bank plays on all of our worst nightmares by turning the landmark St. Mark's Church into a Commerce One Bank... [ EVG ] New York has only 5 statues of women . Where are they? [ ENY ] A new wrapper on the old Village Paper -- Jay Shells' mural had a good run: Goodbye to the Fribbles and Fishamajigs of Friendly's. [ Gothamist ] Drinking at the divey Rockaway Beach Inn . [ Eater ] From the Fillmore to the (S)Limelight. [ Stupefaction ] New Yorkers need to "help the banks," says Bloomie , not occupy Wall Street. [ RS ]...