*Everyday Chatter

The Cooper Square Committee sent out an update on St. Mark's Books with this important note: "We believe that Cooper Union is stonewalling this issue, hoping our community will forget about the bookstore. We need you to send this petition out to all of your friends and family today. Help us reach 50,000 signatures by the middle of October."

Check out Karen Lillis' "Bagging the Beats at Midnight," a bookstore memoir by a former employee of St Mark’s Bookshop.

See the Safran Foer 9/11 trailer. [Gothamist]

Happy 85th Birthday to a long-time Ruby's bartender--last call will be Oct. 29. [ATZ]

The Mosaic Man makes a new bagel sign. [EVG]

A day at the races--remembering Steeplechase Park. [ShaunC]

Greenpoint's WASCO landmark to be an "eating and drinking establishment," but the "WASCO-mobile will live on. [NYS]

Occupy Wall Streeters in suits and ties. [NYM]

On the High Line: "The lush green artery is killing off a chunk of New York’s entrepreneurial and gritty industrial past as the real estate developers, landlords and other profiteers cash in on the city’s latest chic attraction." [AMNY]

...like Firestone Bear Auto and places like Poppy's and The Eagle and Folsom East and everything else that isn't luxe.


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