*Everyday Chatter

On the Bowery: "generic glass-and-steel towers, trendy hotels, art galleries and chains like Whole Foods have been chipping away at the street’s character, threatening to make some blocks resemble the sleeker stretches of Avenue of the Americas or Third Avenue in Midtown." [NYT]

Bad news for Joe's Bar in the EV? [EVG]

You can help get Occupy Wall Street billboards up in Times Square. [RS]

Amusing the Zillion announces a Coney Island "Countdown to Corporatization," counting the days "Until 7 Mom & Pops Are Kicked Off the Coney Island Boardwalk!" [ATZ]

Part three in remembering Cornell and the Flower Stall. [HNY]

Lisanne follows artist Edith Raw, the walking tin-can lady, down 14th St. [youtube]

"Notwithstanding its reputation as a sex palace, the Continental Baths was a home and haven for many people who lived, played, danced, and socialized... It was a place where doctors, lawyers, clerks, waiters, and the wealthy intermingled with each other at the lowest common denominator of human existence." [Advocate]

Mike Albo's Unitard, the Blowdryers, the Cockettes--check out what's happening this month at HOWL at Theater 80 St. Mark's. [HOWL]

On St. Mark's, a "greasy scourge" says the Post as "Drunken patrons of twin 2 Bros. Pizza places have left a sad trail of paper plates, crusts and soda cans"... "It’s ruining the neighborhood!" [NYP]

In Williamsburg, fishing for children to get hooked on iPhone apps. [NYS]

photo: New York Shitty

Because it's never too early to become an iPhone zombie:

Restless asks: Didn't Steve Jobs "just like a heroin dealer, make it a whole lot easier for people -- who naturally gravitate to the lowest common denominator -- to become zombies?" [Restless]


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