*Everyday Chatter

Coming soon to a bike shop near you, free stickers from street etiquette artist Jason Shelowitz--made for sticking on cars and perfect for stirring up the bike-lane agita: "Please look out for cyclists before swinging door open."

photo: Jay Shells

Where will Mama and Papa Burger go once they're evicted from the Coney Island Boardwalk? [ATZ]

Tonight at MOMA: Joe Dante's 1968 Movie Orgy is coming--originally screened at the Fillmore East. [TFH]

Check out Every Night in Drag--Linda Simpson's vintage '80s and '90s photos of NYC's drag scene. [LS]

LES thieves get wise to the cluelessness of people who leave their stuff unattended. [EVG]

Bloomberg backs off evicting the Occupation of Wall Street. For now. [Gothamist]

New York's "new low." [SLR]

Shepard Fairey designs the Times Square Occupation invitation [WNYC]:

Visit Occupation Party


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