*Everyday Chatter

Is it a real miracle? The Post reports that Zamperla's plan to shutter the Coney Island boardwalk is falling through--Ruby's and Paul's Daughter might be staying. [NYP]

Serenading for St. Mark's Books. [DNA]

On the little time capsule of Jones Street, Strider Records is shuttering. [Stupefaction]

The MONY weather beacon has lost its incandescent bulbs and neon for LED technology. [NYN]

Joe's Bar in the EV really, really looks closed. [EVG]

LaMama celebrates 50 years of theater. [LM]

Naomi Wolf on her arrest at Occupy Wall St: "if DHS now has powers to simply take over a New York City street because of an arrest for peaceable conduct by a middle-aged writer in an evening gown, we have entered a stage of the closing of America." [Guardian]


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