*Everyday Chatter

Spotted at the Union Square Craft Fair: "You Killed Brooklyn. Yeah, you." You know who you are. But what would Woody do?:

see more at Urban Cricket

Riding the Nostalgia Train. [FNY]

The demolition of Mars Bar continues. [EVG]

Gowanus Whole Foods--and inevitable hyper-gentrification of the Gowanus wilderness--has been suspended. [Racked]

NYU "has bent over backwards to create a Franco-friendly environment." [Gothamist]

The story behind the little abandoned terra-cotta building. [SNY]

Take a trip back in time to S. Klein's "on the square." [OTG]

Report shows Harlem Wal-Mart would shut down 25% of grocers in vicinity. [Gothamist]

Tonio's of Park Slope now officially another Dunkin Donuts. [HPS]


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