*Everyday Chatter

David Cross, comedian and EVGrieve reader (what am I, chopped liver?), is fed up with life in the East Village: "...there's a big, huge 7-11 with big, beautiful 7-11 signs. There's an IHOP on 14th Street, Subway sandwiches all over the place. The thing is, I left Atlanta a long time ago and I'm spending way too much money to live in Atlanta again, you know? I mean it really is...it's just... It's mildly heartbreaking. It's just becoming more and more like a mall. I might as well be in St. Louis. It's very, very quickly, rapidly losing a lot of its character." [Gothamist]

Upper West Siders are nauseated by the "garish" and "too suburban" new candy shop coming to their neighborhood--and it's called Sugar & Plumm Purveyors of Yumm. [DNA]

Thomas Beller tells of life in the laundry room of a half-gentrified old NYC building. [PRD]

BMW Guggenheim Lab feels very proud of itself. [EVG]

After a painful, 5-year struggle, Our Lady of Vilnius is coming down. [NYT]

Visit the most adorable abandoned building in the city. [SNY]


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