Saved 2011

This week, as every year, I'm doing a roundup of what's been lost over the past 12 months. The next days will cover vanished restaurants, general businesses, buildings and structures, and people. But let's start with the good news.

A handful of businesses were saved or revived this year. The biggest victory has to be the rescue of St. Mark's Bookshop--a major boost for those who fight to keep the city's culture alive.

Caffe Vivaldi was also saved via petition.

The Nom Wah Tea Parlor was renovated beautifully and reopened.

The Waverly Diner, thought dead, came back to life.

Pieces gay bar, down for the count, got a new lease at the zero hour.

And Ray's Pizza on 6th and 11th will not be turned into a Starbucks, but another Ray's Pizza (albeit not the same Ray's, so this one goes into both the Saved and Vanished column).

Previous Year-End Reviews:
2009: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter


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