*Everyday Chatter

"Chelsea Hotel Rooftop Club Approved by Landmarks in Secret Conclave"--tenants kept out of the loop as Landmarks "rammed through their approval of a massive rooftop addition to the Historic Hotel." [LWL]

I still haven't gotten into the amazing treasure trove of historic NYC photos--the Department of Records website has been swamped by "overwhelming demand." [DOR]

Last call at Lakeside Lounge. [EVG] & [NYT]

A swizzle stick at "21." [TWM]

Paintings of the New York "everyman." [CR]

Enjoy the weird and cranky reviews of NYC by George Leonard Herter. [PRD]

Paris Review Daily

Sensitive Skin #8 comes out this week--with a gala reading at the Bowery Poetry Club Sunday, 4/29 at 7:30pm. [SS]

A new dairy luncheonette for Diamond Row. [LC]

Enjoying the White Horse Tavern's neon sign. [NYN]

Gonzalez Y Gonzalez returns after vanishing--but Chipotle keeps the local old-timer under its thumb, forbidding Gonzalez from selling tacos and burritos because the mega-chain doesn't want the competition. [DNA]

Bloomberg is still hoping the Wal-Mart devil will suck the remaining soul from New York City. [Crain's]


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